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  • Staff Writer

L'Shana Tovah and a Fiscal Year Update

A blue box with the yellow and white text "L'Shana Tovah" with vector red apples and honey cascaded around it. In the bottom right-hand corner is the KleinLife logo in white with a yellow underline.

Dear KleinLife community,

I am filled with immense gratitude and pride for the remarkable journey we've undertaken together at KleinLife. Your unwavering support has been the foundation upon which we've built an organization that continues to touch the lives of thousands in our rapidly changing community of Northeast Philadelphia. According to the latest population census, our neighborhood is witnessing significant shifts with an increasing percentage of seniors and immigrants and a rise in poverty levels. In light of these challenges, KleinLife stands steadfast on the front lines. I'd like to share with you a detailed account of our achievements in the past fiscal year:

Strength Amidst Challenges to Older Adults

In the face of unprecedented challenges brought about by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we stood tall and unwavering in our commitment to serve our community.

  • A remarkable 1,700 vulnerable seniors in our community received vital services, with 89% residing in households with incomes below 200% of the poverty line.

  • We extended our support to approximately 200 Holocaust survivors, ensuring they receive the specialized care and assistance they deserve.

  • An astounding 70,000 meals were provided through our congregate meals and Home Delivered Meals programs, nourishing both bodies and spirits.

  • We organized and facilitated over 100 classes and 140 education programs that not only enriched lives but also provided a space for older adults to come together, socialize, and find solace.

A Beacon of Hope for Ukrainian Refugees The war in Ukraine compelled us to extend our hand of solidarity to over 1,600 Ukrainian refugees in need.

  • Our services included summer camps and afterschool programs for over 150 children, ESL classes benefiting over 250 adults, free food packages from the Mitzvah Food Pantry, and a host of critical information and referral services.

  • The United Nations High Committee on Refugees recognized our refugee resettlement program as one of the nation's prominent initiatives; a testament to the impact of your unwavering support.

Empowering the Next Generation

  • An exciting addition to our repertoire was the launch of an educational initiative, featuring a Robotics program engaging over 100 children aged 6-11.

  • In partnership with Penn State Abington and George Washington High School, we provided STEM education and dual eligibility courses to over 40 children, providing them with knowledge and skills that will shape their futures.

Preserving Tradition and Community

KleinLife remains steadfast in preserving our cultural heritage and serving as a vibrant Jewish community center.

  • In 2022, our High Holiday services were attended by more than 2,000 individuals, fostering a sense of belonging and spiritual connection.

  • Our commitment extends to the younger generation through a Sunday Hebrew School that welcomes 50 children to engage in Jewish tradition through Torah study classes and joyous holiday celebrations.

A Legacy of Financial Stewardship

  • Our financial prudence and efficiency continue to shine, with management costs remaining consistently below 8%, well below the industry average of 20-30%. This means that over 92 cents of every dollar you contribute go directly towards supporting those who rely on us for hope and assistance.

In conclusion, I want to extend my deepest appreciation to all our sponsors, supporters, and our dedicated staff who have made these achievements possible. It's through your collective efforts that KleinLife stands as a testament to the power of community in an ever-evolving Northeast Philadelphia.

As we embark on this new year, let us continue to stand together, united in our mission to create a stronger, more inclusive community. Wishing you all a heartfelt and joyous Rosh Hashanah filled with peace, blessings, and renewed commitment.

With warm regards,

Andre Krug

KleinLife President and CEO


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